Grow Campaign

2,411 WOMEN

are being released from North Carolina prisons this year…many without healthy support.

What can you do?

You can strengthen our community and offer your support for justice-involved women as they

heal, grow, and thrive.

Women are the fastest-growing segment of the prison population.

Over 95% of those currently incarcerated will be released one day.

Almost 30% of them return to prison within three years.

They have paid their debt to society and can become successful, productive citizens, but far too often they face significant barriers to obtaining jobs, housing and social services.

Our mission is to equip women with the tools and support they need to heal, grow and thrive, both in prison and in the communities to which they return.

Your gift matters!


Covers the cost of prescription medications for one woman for one month.


Refreshes our chaplaincy and reentry libraries, which more than 35 women a month used in 2022.


Buys cleaning supplies and groceries for one month for one of the reentry homes.


Supports one woman for one month of subsidized housing.