Of all the work I do as a Community Chaplain, there are extraordinary moments inside the prison that remind me of how beautiful the hearts are of the women we serve.
Most recently, a moment that made me smile was when the faith helper for one of the worship groups shared with the group that tomorrow was her birthday, but she did not want anyone to sing to her. I suggested she ask the group for something intangible, like a prayer, hope, or desire for her, and have them channel their energies toward giving her that as a “birthday gift.”
Without skipping a beat, she said, “All I want for my birthday this year from you all is that you treat one another with kindness and spread love and peace. That will make me the happiest on my birthday.”
Moments like these fill me with gratitude for justice-involved women. God’s love and patience are everywhere – even in prison – and especially in the hearts of the women we serve.